1. At Firefox installed with Greasemonkey, install the Simplified-to-Traditional character conversion tool Lab Tongwen.
使用前2. Check into the government-sponsored web accessibility website.
presentation materials. What is web accessibility?
web accessibility 指的就是 無障礙的網頁,在資料中提到了很多網頁的建置,多考慮的無障礙的設計時,索需要注意的細節。比方說閃爍的圖片會造成殘障人士,使用上的不便,以快速鍵來作網頁的瀏覽,以及討論提同時提供有無障礙版本以及普通版本的網頁的影響。簡而言之
web accessibility 就是實際的去考量,身心障礙者的需求 以他們的模式去設計出無障礙的網頁。
3. According to Section 2.1 of Textbook, some websites are powered by databases in the back end and some are not. What are the purposes of using databases?
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